Monday, September 1, 2008

What is blog?

Well, we often heard that about blogs, blogging, blogger.And now we even have our assignment on a blog!However, did you ever really have the knowledge about what is blogs? Do you really know what is blog? Is ok , we will let you know today *n_n*

The origins of blogging go further back than the Internet to the days of personal diaries, chronicles and other written forms of personal musings. Today, a blog is considered to be a Web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual or company. Online media, such as discussion forums and e-mail lists are also considered to be predecessors to the blog.

Most blogs will be displayed in a journal or log entry format, where most are updated daily or more frequently than most Web sites would be. Blogs often reflect the personality of the author or the company employees they represent.

I believe now that most of you know what is blog and most of you guys even have your own blog. Now we are going to introduce you guys some famous bloggers (well, they are from foreign country :p)

Duncan Bowen Black, better known by his pseudonym Atrios is an American liberal blogger living. His weblog Eschaton is one of the most popular political weblogs, receiving an average of over 100,000 hits every day. Before starting Eschaton, Black wrote (as Atrios) for the webzine Media Whores Online (now defunct). During the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston, he revealed that he had accepted a job at Media Matters for America and allowed his name and photograph to be published. He later said that as an academic he blogged pseudonymously to avoid attacks like those later unleashed on Timothy Shortell.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds is best known for his weblog, Instapundit, one of the most widely read American political weblogs.Reynolds is often described as conservative, but in fact holds liberal views on social issues. He once illustrated his combination of views by stating: "I'd be delighted to live in a country where happily married gay couples had closets full of assault weapons. He is a strong supporter of Porkbusters and the Iraq War. In his remarks, he said:

Changes in technology are producing major changes in media and journalism. Journalism is becoming an activity, not simply a profession. In my weblog I have tried to foster the growth of amateurism in that field, by encouraging people to get involved and to make use of the new tools—from Web publishing to inexpensive digital still and video cameras—to bring news and perspectives to the world stage that were previously lacking.